Last week's movie was....interesting. I don't really know how to talk about it (I think even our discussion of the movie in class was shorter than usual!) I was interested the whole time, but I also wasn't interested. Part of the movie brought your attention to it, like the plot, but the dreary scenery sort-of let your other half of your mind wander around....
In other news, STAC art last week really brightened me up. I had just come from a math assessment and I was feeling horrible since I didn't get to finish, but then we got to see one of my favorite movies that I had watched when I was little. I had forgotten about some of the songs, like the one with the characters from greek mythology and the one with all of the animals doing ballet.
While watching it again, I was reminded how well-done the animation sequence was... I found myself wondering how they got it that smooth since I tried doing some things like that, and it turned out to be pretty rough...
They get it smooth because the people making it have done it 10,000 times, drawing lines, coloring, shading.... it is all practice. No more talent than you have, just more time spent on earth so far.