Painting workshop Day 2!
I was nervous when the period started, since I didn't get supplies...but I'm glad that Luke let us borrow some of his. Right after school I went to the art store and got them, so now I'm ready for the next one...!
I admit, I wanted to get painting right away... so I was a little fidgety during the demonstration. But once we got around to painting, it was difficult. First I was going to slow, then I wasn't doing the was a little frustrating having to keep on washing off the painting... I wanted to go through the process and get something finished, then see what went wrong and erase and try again. But stepping back and looking at it, I suppose it's important to do be able to do each step right.
This workshop is quieter than the last one, but at the moment, quiet is necessary since we're all concentrating on the shapes and how to start on the painting.
You need a good foundation, which is why we kept restarting yours. I think getting through one that is done in this new way, this way which is so different for you, from the beginning, will teach you a lot about how to paint. I don't mind if you make bad paintings, as long as you make them right. Does that make sense? You're worried about making a good picture, because you don't know yet what is a painting. I want you to end this year knowing how to make a painting. Then, you'll have the world at your feet.