I'm the public relations officer of Herrick's GSA, so this weekend I was making a poster to hang in the cafeteria.
This led me to search up colors that attract the eye, and I came across an interesting study by Standford: Link
The study showed that color choice results in the creation of tone, and noticeability. For example, "before and after" ads often have dark, neutral colors in the before section and bright, hot colors in the after section (the after section also incorporates more white space).
The most interesting thing I found about this article was that energy bars mostly use blue and brown hues. I thought energy bars would want to use bright colors to emphasize feelings of alertness, but it turns out that the darker hues symbolize health, appealing "to the lifestyle choices that energy bar users might make." The advertisers focused on the long-lasting effects of the energy bar rather than short-term effects.
We can certainly incorporate this into the STAC crowdfunding we're planning!
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