Saturday, December 15, 2012


So. In preparation for STAC live, I've been assigned to play piano for "Street Fighting Man" and trumpet for "Alone Again or."
It was difficult to figure out the piano part because it was so soft in the background. (It was hard to hear even when I pulled up an instrumental version.) I think I've figured it out, now, so I just need to practice it.
For the trumpet part, I've never seriously played trumpet before, so I had to learn it on my own. I borrowed Ellen's mother's trumpet, and a few books. Youtube helped, and last thursday, the 6th, Mr. Taylor gave me some good advice on adjusting my embouchure to that required for trumpet (and those high notes). Before, I had been approaching blowing into the mouthpiece the same way that I had for when I was playing trombone.
Now I know that I have to keep my lips closer together in a more "flat faced" embouchure, and to focus on the speed of air rather than volume. I've also been practicing for 15-30 minutes every day (I've been consistent until last Thursday and Friday, which I missed practicing...)
At first, I played around and figured out the basic scale- concert Bb: link
Scale from today's practice (day13): link
Mouthpiece exercises(day9): link day13(today): link
After exercises (day9): link
Then, on the second day where I had more time, I experimented with figuring out the trumpet parts to "Alone Again or" by listening to the song and playing along with it.
(This is from the day after I got the trumpet: link
Playing along with the song on the 3rd day: link day4: link)
I practiced the song without backgrounds, to get the notes:
day3: link day4: link day5: link day6: link day7: link day8: link day9: link day10: link link2
day11: link day12: link day13(today): link

I'll be playing again with the song during my next practice. It's been really exciting learning how to play a new instrument! (One of my bucket list items is to sit down one day with a bunch of instruments and just play around on them for a day.)

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