Saturday, October 22, 2011


Note: Ohno! I forgot to talk about the STAC t-shirts! I loved a lot of the STAC t-shirt designs! (I completely forgot that we were supposed to submit them last(?) Tuesday). I meant to ask everyone for advice about my idea on Facebook, but I didn't get to it. Oh well.
I'm glad people picked the winning designs (I was surprised at Ashley's design, since I haven't seen her do a lot of art...It was very ascetically pleasing. I think it was my favorite!) It'll be a hard decision to choose which one to use as the final choice!

Monday: Felt like Dada. I woke up in the morning feelin' like Pdiddy (that's a rapper, right?) and I felt like putting on my wig. It wasn't a statement or anything. I just felt like it.

Acting class: The idea of everyone manipulating everyone really bothered me. Manipulating usually has more of a negative connotation to it than a positive one. It's brought up a couple of issues in my life recently, so it really bothered me. (It also seems that I'm still stuck in Holden's writing style, goddamit, haha.)

I can't remember where I heard it, but the idea of putting a character on the person you're talking to (in order to help you with your acting) seems familiar. When we got into arguments, it reminded me a little of the Jim Bonni workshop. We always started off with pairing off and getting into shouting matches. I guess getting angry loosens you up a little, too, since when you actually get mad (or any other strong emotion, I suppose) you forget what everyone else is thinking of you and get lost in your feelings, if you're not careful.

I was just reading Ellen's journal, and she reminded me of Koans. The idea of a Koan is interesting, yet sort-of frustrating. It reminds me that I have one more thing to search for when I'm looking for myself. I've come up with a couple possible Koans, but like Ellen, I'm not sure if they fit. I'll list them here, but I don't feel like explaining them at the moment.

Is it possible to gain attention by hiding?
Can you survive living opposites?
If you don't know who you are, how can you live throughout the day?
Is it possible to follow and lead?
Is it good to withdraw or blow up?
Drama/Quiz: Drama is not my thing. I felt REALLY uncomfortable as the quiz questions kept on coming. Was that just a rant? My mind went blank, and I couldn't/didn't put down anyone's name. If Luke chose everyone, then we should trust his decision. If there are changes to be made, decide them at the end of the year....we're just starting out, and there are a lot of noobs, so we don't know each other THAT well, yet.
(I admit, perhaps I need to reach out to the noobs more...I'll try doing that more!)

I vaguely remembered watching some commercials for the movie, and thinking it looked exciting, however, the first time I saw it was on Thursday.
It's scary when you see an idea that is similar to yours.
From...about 7th grade to now, I've been playing around with some characters, and one of them is very similar to Hanna. Both were experimented on by the government, and both had outside help in escaping. And both, when they were in their teens were caught again (except it wasn't my character's choice, and he didn't re-escape).
It slightly bothers me that I'm not exactly original, but what can you do. At least the two characters aren't exactly alike.

I liked the movie, although it was really violent at times (the three most disturbing scenes, to me, were when Hanna broke fake!Marisa's neck, when the french guy stabbed the hotel(?) owner with a pen, and when Eric stabbed the French guy through the head with a piece of wood). The action scenes reminded me of Matrix (especially when Eric gets ganged up on in the parking lot) and of ninjas/Chinese action movies (especially the scene where Hanna is running along the shipping boxes).

While watching the movie, I remembered last year how subconcious was symbolized by water, underground, and forests. Then I noticed that the movie could be broken into 3 parts: Hanna in the forest, Hanna coming out of the forest, and Hanna returning to the forest. I wonder if that was intentional (it probably was)...that could symbolize many things.
-Hanna is nature (in the beginning), yet synthetic (later on in the movie)
-I wonder if humans can have their emotions manipulated even before birth.

I hope we discuss this more on Monday. I like hearing everyone's insights and putting in my own, to see how everyone reacts to it. Sometimes, like during the art discussion, I get a great thought and then I have to wait my turn to speak, so I write it down....if I don't get to say it, I usually put it on my blog, here. But I'd rather that I said it during the discussion, since I like hearing what other people have to say/add on/disagree with my ideas.

1 comment:

  1. The more you write, the better you write, the more depth and ground you cover... there is so much in this post, where to begin:

    Koans: well, you've found some contradictory stuff, haven't you? Is there something about balance, or something about emerging out, or growth or evolution?

    Hanna is all mythic symbology, right? Forests, underground, deserts. The arc of her travel, from forest through desert through water through cities and finally the forest again - like the forest is where she gets her power.

    The manipulating thing bothers everyone until they get beyond the negative connotations of the word. We manipulate the controls on the TV, and we have no problem with that, right? And remember, you're manipulating someone as they are manipulating you right back.

    Anger does loosen you up, and for most people it's easier to get to than crying or some such. Once you get a flow going it all gets easier.

