Sunday, October 16, 2011


It's been a while since I've blogged.

Acting class ('should have wrote more about this sooner, since I forgot a lot.....whoops!):
-It was interesting when we all "became" another person. I had a hard time thinking of a name, though. I mainly got the sense of quiet observation.....
-I find it better doing things with a group of people, or at least another person. It's easier that way, since everyone's doing it so you don't feel like you're being stared at, or that you're being stared at, but you can stare at other people, or that you're being stared at, but at least someone else is, too.

Be Kind Rewind:
-It was fun working with different people. It was very different than last year, indeed. We had less time to do it (if I remember correctly) and we had a group that had slightly more non-actors than actors (3:2)
-I think the main problem of our Be Kind Rewind was that we all had different visions of the plot, and there wasn't enough time to straighten it out. I thought our plot was going to be some sort of horror version of Groundhog day, where at the end, the radio kills the girl, but it evolved into something different.

The Georgians
-I remember that there was something going on with Russia and Georgia a few years ago. It was on the news....besides that, I know nothing of Georgia.
-I (coincidentally) happened to be eating a Dannon yogurt on the day they came in XD
-I wonder if they'll send us whatever they decided to use.....

Power Project
-At first, we had trouble deciding if we should talk a little, or just do whatever fancied us at the moment.
-We came up with a rough idea of a building, but then we gradually ended up doing 3 separate projects
-On Friday we came together and thought about how we could combine our projects into something meaningful. We may....just may, be almost done.

I wrote a lot about it, but here are some main points:
-Something as out of the ordinary (although it can be ordinary) that generates a reaction and strengthens/changes a viewpoint.
-Art is what you think it is, however many people agree on a general definition
-Art is someone making a decision(s) and forcing others to make a decision(s)

-Someone put a urinal in a museum since there's paintings in a bathroom. Why was/is it not appropriate for that latter to happen, but not the former?
-"Emotion-changing masks". It was funny, since I came up with a character that uses those when someone starts a fight. They just slap a happy/calm mask on the angry person, and they cool down.
-While we were talking about art/ the power projects, I noticed that people used either "I" "We" or "They" when they were talking.

I'm excited for another city trip. I hope we get to go on the highline since we'll be in Chelsea! It's a nice place to take photos!

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