Monday, September 19, 2011


Lots of things this week. Exploring Dada and acting classes...!
I'm in the group for Dada art....and we've been Dada-ish about the project.....(I'm not sure if that's great for organization). I think we're going for individual projects. I have some ideas, but it's more from the historical standpoint of Dada (after WWI). The problem is, every time I think of an idea, it doesn't seem "out there" enough. It has a clear meaning behind it, when (I think) it's supposed to have the meaning of "just confusion".

Acting class! I had meant to blog about this last week, but better late than never!
Here's some thoughts:
-Haha when Luke said to get your shoes ready when Danny went up, I saw Sarah's bare sock poking out behind a rack of props....what a great mental image!
-It seems that there's layers of acting. So far I've seen 4: What's going on, what's supposed to be going on, what the audience thinks is going on, and what you think is going on.
-You can use a situation that you're familiar with in order to react correctly in a situation you're not familiar with.
-I felt nervous when we were trying to pick up the hat, and it only increased as it came closer to my turn....however, I felt ok afterwards (and almost wanted to do it again).
-While waiting for my turn to go, I kept on imagining myself in appropriate situations...but when it was my turn, those situations seemed to have disappeared. (I also felt that if I tried to use those situations, they wouldn't come off as 'real').

I will talk a little about "Bauhaus to Our House", but I'm getting kicked off, so I have to do that tomorrow....or when I get a chance.

On a final note: I'm excited for the trip on Friday! I've been to PS1 a few times, but I haven't gone in a while....the last time I went, they had chickens there, haha.

random dream I had on Tuesday:
-There was this mushroom sculpture
-Son(?) of the artist made a simpler mushroom sculpture to remind everyone of what the bigger mushroom symbolized (which was something about someone dying and something about falling off a building)

1 comment:

  1. "What's going on, what's supposed to be going on, what the audience thinks is going on, and what you think is going on."

    Very cool - the layers of perception regarding any given situation.

    Seen this?

    Why did you want to try the hat exercise again? Why?

    Friday will be a blast!
