Tuesday, September 6, 2011

STAC 2011 -1.1-

 A new STAC year!
I...don't know many of the newbies, but I hope that will change as the year goes on! I'm looking forward to what sorts of trips and activities we'll be doing this year.

About today in class, I got excited when Luke mentioned animating, perhaps. I finished an animation over the summer (Link to youtube), and I started another one also (I put a WIP video of it on my Facebook). I mostly have been doing ideas based off of songs, and not using original characters, though...

I'm waiting for the book to come in the mail, but I heard that it contains advanced vocabulary. Ellen told me that she had to look up a lot of words when she was reading it.

Misc. comments on the Star Trek episode yesterday:
-They chose a woman to play the  androgynous alien so ppl could relate to the relationship between the alien and the man more than just if it was a man and another man actor. They'd be able to understand the frustration, not just gay rights supporters
-'Could see it as transgender people, also, since the alien felt like they weren't the right gender (?)
-blogging thought will edit later

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