Sunday, March 31, 2013


"" Day 5. I drew the theme "Toddler" and media "Sergei Eisenstein Montage." 
Drawing on my previous definition of montage, a bunch of scenes showing either time passing or the plethora of something, I was going to draw many pictures of toddlers from all over the world (since I didn't have any toddlers to photograph). However, I decided to research a bit on what a "Sergei Eisenstein" montage was, in case this definition expanded what I already knew. Through Lisa's blog and google I found a few sites that helped explain. What added to my definition was the fact that montages can be used to convey a certain feeling. A line jumped out at me from the Wikipedia definition "each sequential element is perceived not next to the other, but on top of the other." This led me to thinking, "Wouldn't it be fun to compile images that reminded people of toddlers, but aren't of toddlers themselves?" Using this idea, and the line from Wikipedia, I decided to print out many images of toddler-related images and string them on top of each other to make a complete "thought."

It's a little over a week since I did this, and I'm getting thoughts that if I decided to continue with this, perhaps making more of these "thought montages" would make the overall effect more poignant. "With great numbers come great strength."

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