Saturday, February 2, 2013


The acapella workshop.
At first I didn't volunteer for the workshop, because I felt...shy about singing/performing. However, after Herricks Idol, I found myself rejuvenated. (Also, the workshop was for group singing, so it wouldn't put too much pressure when we performed.)
I enjoyed working with Andrew and the group. It's been years since I've sung in a choir, and now I remember how much I liked singing with others.
This is the first time I've sung acapella, but it didn't feel extremely difficult. Andrew was very professional, but he was also paitent and really friendly with us!  Also, we were all quick learners. It's great to have a group of people that want to be there. Because we were all motivated, we progressed from starting the song, to being able to run it through in less than a week!

First we went through the long process of song selection. We all suggested songs and listened to them (through this, I found that Andrew is a fellow fan of Cake!) We settled on "Settle Down" by Kimbra. We started to figure out parts, Andrew figuring out most of the song. The next few days consisted of us learning our parts, recording run-throughs, and studying the recordings at home.

We had a week off for midtetms, then it was last-minute rehersals after school and right before STAC live!
-video of performance-
Overall, I'm proud of learning the song with the group, and I had a great experience with this workshop. Next time, I won't hesitate to sign up!

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