Saturday, June 18, 2011

-50- edited

Editing this a tad bit. I saw the movie "The Social Network" yesterday. We finished watching it at 12 (almost exactly), so I didn't get a chance to write a little about it.
I thought the movie was well done. The acting was convincing, and I thought the last scene was powerful: The creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is sitting in a chair constantly refreshing the page to see if his ex-girlfriend will be his friend [on Facebook]. Then it shows a close-up of his face and text pops up reading: "Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionare today" (I think those are the exact words).
This scene shows that money does not = happiness.
-'Thought that almost everyone in the movie were being really nasty to each other...even though some parts were most likely dramatized, I hope college isn't like that.
-Most of the women (except maybe Mark's ex-girlfriend) were portrayed as...groupies. I didn't really like that, but I suppose that's showing that most of the girls that Mark knew were like that (?)
-I found it interesting that his parents were never there, or (almost) never talked about.

I'm going to get a Facebook when I turn 15, but it's interesting to know the backstory behind the site.

I've been meaning to announce this, but I was very surprised to see this on youtube one ad for cafepress, but the STAC t-shirt was on it! I saw it a couple more times on some different sites, so I took a picture of the ads, and voila!:

Isn't that odd?

This is from yesterday:
I just saw the green lantern. Just jotting things down:
-airplane scenes
-scenes where he's using his ring
-character development (not much)
-female lead (but that's ok because most superhero movies don't have that)
-plot (fast paced)
-originality to the comic (but that's ok I guess? Iron man I heard wasn't that true either)
-not enough "broship"
-tone (the whole movie had dark colors, but they also had some funny moments which didn't.... flow)
-they forgot an important thing: the rings don't work against yellow (which seemed to be pretty important when I wikipedia'd the comic)

-I also saw John there. I said hi.

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