Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Acting workshop day 3! I felt that I didn't do as well on the improv.... or else I did all right since people who are backup to a leader don't say much...? (in the scene, Gigi and I were part of a gang. It was a little hard trying to say anything or react since I couldn't really find a place to say anything in).

-I liked the lyrics of the song that we heard. Especially the first two lines:
"you've got such a pretty smile
It's a shame the things you hide behind it"
I did another painting today, but on newsprint. The reason for newsprint? Well, the canvas I was using, I painted on it and the paint wouldn't come off (I thought that you could wash off the paint even if you left it for a day or two...I was wrong!)...

this is the back of the newsprint I painted on. I thought it looked interesting, so I decided to post it up

1 comment:

  1. Huge improvement! Love the coat, the shoulder. Face proportions much better, shadow around nose down side of face really defined as a shape - you're moving right along!
