Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well, hey! I made a blog for STAC! Well, this'll be one of the two blogs we have to keep (the other one I'll link to when it's made...it'll be the daily practice blog *ta-dah!*)

For this first entry....I'm pretty sure that we have to blog about the first episode of the show "The Prisoner" that we watched in class. Well, I thought it was pretty interesting...how they started the beginning with no sound and it took a while for the dialouge to begin. I also thought some of the themes went along with some of the books we read last year like "The Giver" about the perfect community and all. I also noticed that most of the music -in the village- was the happy marching type music except for a few parts where they switched to classical...I also thought what some people said after the episode ended were thoughtful (someone said something about having signs on the grass that said "walk on" instead of the usual "don't walk on" and someone else mentioned there were a lot of circles...round like the big bicycle and how when people went to leave they always -I think?- came back...usually by force)

*phew* well, I think that's all I have to say for my first blog

1 comment:

  1. Well hey! Not too shabby and not too hard, right? It doesn't have to be much more than this.
