Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Here are some tidbits of thoughts:

     Wow...The episode of the prisoner this week was probably the most confusing out of all of them we've watched so far! The scenes kept on going so fast, it was hard to catch up to what exactly was going on, but from what I got of it, 6 decides to run for an election against 2 to be the new #2. At first, 6 thought he could use the election as a chance to escape from "The Village" but somehow he got mind-controlled or drugged so he started acting like he wanted to be in "The Village" (I'm not sure if that was the effects of the mind-control/drugs or if he was just acting that way though to fool whoever would be watching him.) He wins the election in the end and as soon as he becomes the new 2, it seems that he snapped out of being controlled and started to go beserk, telling everyone in "The Village" that they were free to go. The foreign lady with him turns out to actually be the real 2/ there were 2 2's in this episode/ the old 2 switched off with this lady who's supposed to be the actual new 2. 6 tries to escape but as usual, you can't escape "The Village" *dun dun dun....End of Episode*

I thought it was funny when the men in glasses were staring at the egg...rover....well, whatever it was, while 6 was fighting with two other guys.

Today, when we were introduced to artists who inspired Matisse, I found it interesting how you could see bits and pieces of all of their styles in just one painting. It reminded me of what someone said, that artists always copy off of eachother....even famous ones.

The art we did after the introduction (I suppose is the word for it) was fun. I was happy with how my people turned out.

Most of all, I'm looking forward to the trip on Friday! I hope I won't fall asleep because I'm not used to staying in the city until the late hours.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


        As I did this assignment it took me a while to decide where, and how, I would take pictures showing the definition of the word 'liminal'. Finally, I realized when I was at my congregation/church that I wanted to take the pictures there. The building, which is liminal in its own way since it represents where the spiritual meets with the physical, is surrounded by woods. 
       I took a variety of photos but most of them ended up being nature-related and are liminal in a number of ways: ground meeting sky, water droplets in the process of becoming part of the pond, a reflection forming a whole new image, and so on. Also, most of these pictures turned out to be the type of pictures I most like taking - close ups of nature, which my dad pointed out to me are liminal in their own way since they are between abstract and realistic.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


It's time for an update!

Well, this week we watched the prisoner episode three, A,B and C (I think it was the third episode we've watched). And this one was funny. Number six turning the tables on 14 and 2 was an awesome moment indeed.

Since the prisoner was made in the 60's and there were drugs around in that time, I'm wondering if this episode was influenced by that time period.

A few thoughts about this episode:
- Were there cameras near the lab? It seemed like 14 and 2 knew nothing about 6 tampering with the drugs...and wouldn't they have noticed if 6 went off-camera?
-Maybe number 1 is the viewers watching the show! (random thought, but, since most of us, the audience, are curious about why 6 resigned from spying...)
-1 seems to be like big brother since in this episode you get the sense that he's omnipresent because every time there is a scene with 2, there's a shot of the big phone also

Also, I've been sick the past two days but I asked what I missed and it sounds like going to the community center was fun!
I also looked up a few videos of dances Busby Berkely coordinated and it's really neat what he thought of! I liked all of the patterns and changing shapes that could be seen when the camera did a shot from overhead.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


From what we discussed in class, I got the idea that it's how the way things in the environment cause you to react to it. For example, maybe you enter a room and get a good feeling from it, but can't explain why. This good feeling might come because subliminally, your brain thinks that rectangular objects are good, and the room has a lot of books and rectangular chairs and tables. 

Anyways, we were supposed to take pictures of whatever interested us so here are my pictures (taken with the rule of thirds of course~)

The objects I chose to photograph are objects in my house that I absolutely must have in the same spot, otherwise I feel annoyed or like something isn't right. If I remember correctly, personal psychogeography is the way you arrange your environment so I thought these items were good example of personal psychogeography. 
The only exception is the fifth picture. It's of this ledge above the stairs leading out of my home. I took that picture because something about that ledge causes me to touch it every time I leave the house, so I thought that would be a good example of psychogeography.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Well, yesterday (Monday) the whole class saw episode 2 of The Prisoner *whooo*
This time we find out that 'the village' might be somewhere in Lithuania...But since it was someone who was working with the village who told #6 this, you can't be certain.
Also, it seemed that quite a number of people are in on this since that lady (sorry, I forgot her name) came from somewhere near Russia (forgot the country's name also) and another man who was in the village appeared to come from London. The man from London appeared to be able to come and go freely so maybe #6 can find a way out that way...
I thought it was interesting about how art seemed to have 5 circles (well, Luke drew 5 on the board): theme theme2 theme3 cultural context and your context.

I also think that this year might have an espionage theme...We're all introducing ourselves by 'spying', the prisoner has spy themes, and that watercolor project we did was with actors who played as spies..!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well, hey! I made a blog for STAC! Well, this'll be one of the two blogs we have to keep (the other one I'll link to when it's'll be the daily practice blog *ta-dah!*)

For this first entry....I'm pretty sure that we have to blog about the first episode of the show "The Prisoner" that we watched in class. Well, I thought it was pretty they started the beginning with no sound and it took a while for the dialouge to begin. I also thought some of the themes went along with some of the books we read last year like "The Giver" about the perfect community and all. I also noticed that most of the music -in the village- was the happy marching type music except for a few parts where they switched to classical...I also thought what some people said after the episode ended were thoughtful (someone said something about having signs on the grass that said "walk on" instead of the usual "don't walk on" and someone else mentioned there were a lot of circles...round like the big bicycle and how when people went to leave they always -I think?- came back...usually by force)

*phew* well, I think that's all I have to say for my first blog