Tuesday, January 31, 2012


A small post, so it's more of a .2 than another number:

-I was reading some blog posts and Jill said expressionism was "emotion at its rawest form" but the funny thing is, is that its been carefully planned out to look raw.

-It was interesting seeing more of an art movement perspective on the Third Reich in the documentary today (although it got a little long towards the end and at some points, I thought)

Monday, January 30, 2012


What is expressionism....

From the songs and poems we saw today, expressionism seems to come out of the feelings and passion of sad times such as wars, or rejected love (if you're talking about rejected love, then most pop songs out there are expressionistic, haha). Most forms of it seem to be very slow and have a tortured feeling to them. Sometimes it almost seems meditative (the people preforming buto looked like they were meditating at times).
-Sarah R. put it in good words "more about the feeling of the piece, than how it actually works".
-Sarah F. pointed out that expressionism also seems to be focused on the feelings behind the movements. I thought that viewpoint was interesting, since it would make sense why many of the clips we saw today were slow (and why the poems we were given seem like they should be read slowly, although they could be said fast, which would remind me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiEtsVPpjyM&feature=related)

The DADA dance group reminded me of expressionism, a little, in that it was very passionate and....dark.

I wonder if there are any optimistic expressionist works? Or if that wouldn't be expressionist...but if its about conveying feelings, then happiness is a feeling....


Over the "midterms break" (and I hope everyone did well on them) I started to check out some philosophy books. They're mostly the type of books like " The Philosophy of Harry Potter" or "The ONION and Philosophy" (<- that one I didn't get at all :/).
I found Harry Potter to be delightfully confusing. I'm not done with it because it takes a while to decipher what the people are writing a about (and someone bought the last copy at b+n :/).

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Some ideas for commercials I've been thinking about:
1. A small kid/stacie pretending to be a kid proudly shows and talks to their parent/another stacie about their latest drawing. The parent hangs up the drawing and its revealed to be a sign for stac auditions<- the werting can be changed....

2. It shows preople saying "like" (used incorrectly) and then at the end it says STAC: un"like" anything else<-or else something along the lines of that

3. Some Stacies walk into the stac rokm(or any other rooms) and a quick themesong plays (same themesong every time). At the end it says "join stac and you get your own themesong!" or "stac: we have our own themesong"

I will post more, but later on. I've been thinking about these for a while and I wanted to get them out. *Now I will go to read other stacies blogs about stac  live!*

Monday, January 2, 2012


Ah...the last day of vacation.....

I just saw War Horse (the movie). It was good...but it wasn't the best film I've ever saw.

It was weird, but I wasn't that emotionally attached to the movie. I heard lots of people sniffling in the theatre, and I felt a little bad that I didn't cry (ok, I got a little teary at one point, but even now I forget what point that was...I think it was when the two German brothers got shot....one of them was 14).

The movie had excellent sound (I liked how at one point you could hear the artillery shoot from one side of the theatre to the other). I was also paying attention to the clothes, because I needed reference of 1925-ish for a picture I was drawing (assuming fashion didn't change that much between 1910's to 1920's).
One of my favorite scenes was when the British soldiers were charging on their horses, the German machine guns fired, it then it showed the empty horses running away.

At some point towards the end, I noticed that the lighting made the scene look as though it were taking place on stage. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not, but it gave an interesting effect as you left the theatre.

However, seeing the movie first spoiled the book for me (I got it for Christmas from my cousin, and I hadn't finished reading it yet.) However, the movie was a little different than I expected it. I thought it would have a person narrating as the horse, but instead they just showed the horse from an outside perspective.